Simple IIIF Discovery - Results

Regardless of which viewer you choose, the top of the results page will have a Yellow Bar displaying your search term and the number of results that are currently being displayed along with the total number of results returned.

Annotated Openseadragon results menu bar screenshot
The results menu bar for the screen displaying the OpenSradragom IIIF Viewer
Annotated Mirador results menu bar screenshot
The results menu bar for the screen displaying the Mirador IIIF Viewer

On the right-hand side of the yellow bar, a series of blue buttons provide links to further information about the results that have been returned.

  • The 'i' icon provides information about the results of the search.
  • The viewer can be changed to Mirador by clicking the 'M' icon when viewing results in OpenSeadragon, and to OpenSeadragon by clicking the 'overlapping squares' icon from Mirador.
  • The 'magnifying glass' icon provides the ability to run a new search, to display more results per page, and to change to a different viewer.
  • In the OpenSeadragon viewer, the 'list' icon provides the filename and thumbnail of each displayed item as well as a link to the IIIF info file for that item.[1] Clicking on the thumbnail of the image in this list will open that image alone in OpenSeadragon.
  • Underneath the blue buttons there is the option to see multiple pages of results. Changing the number of results displayed per page using the 'magnifying glass' icon will result in updating the total number of pages.[2]