Simple IIIF Discovery - About

For Developers:

We welcome collaboration from institutions and individuals interested in adapting Simple IIIF Discovery to respond to their needs. As a starting point, the code provided can be adapted to your institutional infrastructure as may be necessary. For general enquires, please submit issues and questions via the Simple IIIF Discovery GitHub page.

For Researchers:

Simple IIIF Discovery is intended as a means exploring and surveying the collections of participating institutions. As the results of the search are determined by information provided in the data structure of each institution, the information returned from a search may not be exhaustive nor representative of the entirety of an institution's holdings; however, Simple IIIF Discovery may serve as a starting point for initial enquiries into the collections held by the participating institutions.

Please note that copyright and reproduction permissions are maintained by each participating institution for their own objects, and rights must be obtained in accordance with the conditions imposed by those institutions. Information about a given holding institution, when executing a combined search, will be available in returned IIIF manifests or via the links provided when working with simple IIIF info.json files.


This development of the Simple IIIF Discovery project has been directly supported by the following projects:

Practical applications of IIIF Project

AHRC funded - IIIF-TNC | Practical applications of IIIF as a building block towards a digital National Collection - IIIF - TNC

SSHOC (H2020)

The SSHOC Project The SSHOC Project
Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC)is a project funded by the EU framework programme Horizon 2020 and unites 20 partner organisations and their 27 associates in developing the social sciences and humanities area of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) - SSHOC


The IPERION-HS Project The IPERION-HS Project
IPERION-HS (H2020) | Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science - IPERION-HS

For general feedback and suggestions please use the "Feedback" option on the right. For other inquiries about this work, please submit issues and questions via the Simple IIIF Discovery GitHub page.