graph LR classDef object stroke:#2C5D98,fill:#2C5D98,color:white,rx:5px,ry:5px; classDef actor stroke:#4e4403,fill:#fdde29,color:#4e4403,rx:5px,ry:5px; classDef url stroke:#2C5D98,fill:white,color:#2C5D98,rx:5px,ry:5px; classDef note stroke:#2C5D98,fill:#D8FDFF,color:#2C5D98,rx:5px,ry:5px; classDef literal stroke:black,fill:#f0f0e0,color:black,rx:2px,ry:2px,max-width:100px; classDef event_bn stroke:#4A6719,fill:#D0DDBB,color:#4A6719,rx:20px,ry:20px; classDef type stroke:#502604,fill:#FAB565,color:#502604,rx:20px,ry:20px; classDef thing stroke:#2C5D98,fill:#D0E5FF,color:#2C5D98,rx:5px,ry:5px; classDef event stroke:#5C811F,fill:#5C811F,color:white,rx:5px,ry:5px; classDef actor_bn stroke:#564F26,fill:#ffee8c,color:#564F26,rx:20px,ry:20px; O0("Dynamic Modeller") class O0 object; O1("Joseph Padfield") class O1 actor; O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- was created by -->O1["Joseph Padfield"] O2("") class O2 url; click O2 "" O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- is based on -->O2[""] O3("#34;Allow users to create modelling flow-diagrams from simple lists of triples#34;") class O3 note; O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- designed to -->O3["#34;Allow users to create modelling flow-diagrams from
simple lists of triples#34;"] O4("Triples") class O4 literal; O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- works with -->O4["Triples"] O5("Subgraphs") class O5 literal; O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- can use -->O5["Subgraphs"] subgraph ExampleSubgraphTitle ["Example Subgraph Title"] O6("Grouped sections of a graph") class O6 literal; O5["Subgraphs"] -- are -->O6["Grouped sections of a graph"] O7("#34;Subgraph are started by adding a special comment before the relevant triples - //Subgraph GROUP TITLE #34;") class O7 note; O5["Subgraphs"] -- has comment -->O7["#34;Subgraph are started by adding a special comment before
the relevant triples - //Subgraph GROUP TITLE #34;"] O8("#34;Subgraph are ended by adding a special comment after the relevant triples - //end#34;") class O8 note; O5["Subgraphs"] -- has comment -->O8["#34;Subgraph are ended by adding a special comment after
the relevant triples - //end#34;"] O9("Sub-Subgraphs") class O9 literal; O5["Subgraphs"] -- can be nested as -->O9["Sub-Subgraphs"] subgraph ExampleSub-SubgraphTitle ["Example Sub-Subgraph Title"] O10("#34;Care needs to be taken to make sure which Subgraph nodes appear in, but it is possible to created nested sub-subgraphs simply by starting a new subgraph inside another one.#34;") class O10 note; O9["Sub-Subgraphs"] -- has comment -->O10["#34;Care needs to be taken to make sure which Subgraph nodes
appear in, but it is possible to created nested
sub-subgraphs simply by starting a new subgraph inside
another one.#34;"] end end O11("Tab separated") class O11 literal; O4["Triples"] -- are -->O11["Tab separated"] O12("#34;Basic automatic formatting, but it is possible to force some further options using additional instructions after the third value in a given triple#34;") class O12 note; O4["Triples"] -- have some -->O12["#34;Basic automatic formatting, but it is possible to force
some further options using additional instructions after the
third value in a given triple#34;"] O13(";example=example_formats") class O13 url; click O13 ";example=example_formats" O4["Triples"] -- format examples -->O13[";example=exam
ple_formats"] O14("#34;Start with data formatted as JSON, which is then automatically converted to Triples, please check the triples and report any errors in the conversion#34;") class O14 note; O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- can also -->O14["#34;Start with data formatted as JSON, which is then
automatically converted to Triples, please check the triples
and report any errors in the conversion#34;"] O15("_BN-N1") class O15 event_bn; O16("Production") class O16 type; O15["_BN-N1"] -- has type -->O16["Production"] O17("#34;An automatic number each time the 'has type' property is used, so multiple _BN can be added to the list of triples and they will processed. All other properties will be allocated to the current _BN until a new 'has type' property is called.#34;") class O17 note; O15["_BN-N1"] -- are allocated -->O17["#34;An automatic number each time the 'has type' property is
used, so multiple _BN can be added to the list of triples
and they will processed. All other properties will be
allocated to the current _BN until a new 'has type' property
is called.#34;"] O0["Dynamic Modeller"] -- carries out -->O15["_BN-N1"] O18("Flow-diagrams") class O18 thing; O15["_BN-N1"] -- produces -->O18["Flow-diagrams"] O19("#34;Copying the triples and saving them as a text file.#34;") class O19 note; O18["Flow-diagrams"] -- can be saved by -->O19["#34;Copying the triples and saving them as a text file.#34;"] O20("#34;Bookmarking or copying the URL under the Bookmark Link options, under the Links menu, after an update.#34;") class O20 note; O18["Flow-diagrams"] -- can be saved by -->O20["#34;Bookmarking or copying the URL under the Bookmark Link
options, under the Links menu, after an update.#34;"] O21("Saving an image") class O21 event; O18["Flow-diagrams"] -- can be saved by -->O21["Saving an image"] O22("#34;Following the link under the Get Image link, under the Links menu, and using the options provided.#34;") class O22 note; O21["Saving an image"] -- has comment -->O22["#34;Following the link under the Get Image link, under the
Links menu, and using the options provided.#34;"] O23("") class O23 url; click O23 "" O21["Saving an image"] -- is achieved using the -->O23[""] O24("_BN-N2") class O24 actor_bn; O25("Author") class O25 type; O24["_BN-N2"] -- has type -->O25["Author"] O26("#34;New Blank Nodes, or any other entities can refer back to a previous Blank Node by adding a suffix to indicate how many Blank Nodes back one wants to refer to, i.e. the previous blank node would be referenced as '_BN-1' and the one before that would be '_BN-2' and so on.#34;") class O26 note; O24["_BN-N2"] -- has comment -->O26["#34;New Blank Nodes, or any other entities can refer back to
a previous Blank Node by adding a suffix to indicate how
many Blank Nodes back one wants to refer to, i.e. the
previous blank node would be referenced as '_BN-1' and the
one before that would be '_BN-2' and so on.#34;"] O24["_BN-N2"] -- assigned -->O15["_BN-N1"] ;